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Why The Skyline Is Visible From Across The Lake


You Can See Chicago from Michigan

Why the Skyline is Visible from Across the Lake

Atmospheric Conditions Create Optical Illusion

If you've ever been to Southwest Michigan, you may have noticed that you can see the Chicago skyline from across Lake Michigan. This is not a mirage, but an optical illusion caused by the way light travels through the atmosphere.

When the air is cold and dense, it can bend light waves. This bending of light can cause objects to appear closer than they actually are. In the case of the Chicago skyline, the cold air over Lake Michigan can bend the light waves coming from the city, making it appear closer to the Michigan shore.

This optical illusion is most common in the winter, when the air is coldest. However, it can also occur in the summer, especially when there is a lot of moisture in the air.

So, next time you're in Southwest Michigan, don't be surprised if you see the Chicago skyline. It's not a mirage, but just an optical illusion caused by the way light travels through the atmosphere.

